Does omega 3 increase height?

Omega-3 fatty acids, often touted as essential nutrients for overall health, have sparked curiosity and research in various fields. One intriguing question that has arisen is whether Omega-3 supplementation can influence the growth in height. In order to delve deeper into this intriguing topic, we turn our attention to a comprehensive article on This article promises to shed light on the connection between Omega-3 and height growth, offering valuable insights into the impact of these essential fatty acids on our physical development. So, let’s embark on this enlightening journey to explore the potential influence of Omega-3 on height, guided by the wisdom found in the pages of

What is Omega 3?

Omega-3 fatty acids, a group of unsaturated fats celebrated for their health benefits, constitute a vital component of our dietary needs. Unlike some nutrients, these fatty acids are not naturally synthesized within the human body, necessitating their procurement through dietary sources.

Within the realm of omega-3 fatty acids, three distinct types hold significance: Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Each of these fatty acids boasts unique characteristics, advantages, and sources.

ALA (Alpha-Linolenic Acid): The most abundant member of the omega-3 family, Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), is readily found in various dietary sources, including flaxseeds, chia seeds, walnuts, soybeans, and canola oil. While it serves as an energy source in the body, it can also be converted into EPA and DHA, thus facilitating the maintenance of overall health.

DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid): Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) stands out as the omega-3 powerhouse, offering an array of critical benefits. DHA plays an integral role in the composition of vital organs, such as the brain and the retina of the eye, along with several other essential bodily structures. This essential fatty acid can be sourced from fatty fish, oily fish, meat, eggs, and milk, making it a pivotal nutrient for cognitive and ocular health.

EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid): Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), akin to DHA, is prevalent in animal-derived foods, particularly fatty fish and fish oils. This omega-3 variant serves various functions within the body, including the transformation into DHA, contributing to the development and maintenance of crucial bodily organs.

In sum, omega-3 fatty acids, encompassing ALA, DHA, and EPA, represent indispensable components of a balanced diet. Understanding the distinctions among these fatty acids and their respective origins provides valuable insight into harnessing their benefits for improved health and well-being.


How does Omega 3 affect height?

Research has unveiled a noteworthy connection between omega-3 fatty acids and the potential influence on height, particularly in the context of child growth and development. One compelling study has illuminated this relationship, demonstrating that low serum levels of omega-3 fatty acids may be associated with stunted growth.

The findings from this research indicate that the introduction of omega-3 fatty acid supplements to the diets of children under 5 years of age can have a significant impact on their height growth compared to those not receiving such nutritional supplementation. The supplementation of omega-3 fatty acids at an early age appears to play a role in accelerating the growth of bone plates and enhancing bone quality.

Omega-3 fatty acids can contribute to improved bone health through several mechanisms. Firstly, they may enhance calcium absorption in the intestines, promoting mineral deposition crucial for bone development. Additionally, omega-3s can stimulate osteoblast activity and differentiation while inhibiting osteoclast activity, ultimately fostering the deposition of osteoblasts. This interplay supports the growth and maintenance of healthy bones, as evidenced by experiments in which male and female rats exhibited rapid bone growth, as indicated by the increasing length of their tails.

Furthermore, omega-3 fatty acids play a pivotal role in regulating bone metabolism, particularly in the differentiation of osteoclasts. Bioactive compounds derived from omega-3 fatty acids have the capacity to modulate pro-inflammatory cytokines, thereby enhancing calcium retention in bones, potentially preventing bone loss, and triggering essential bone remodeling processes.

Notably, the anti-inflammatory properties of omega-3 fatty acids contribute directly to bone maintenance and the regulation of bone resorption. In light of these compelling findings, it can be inferred that omega-3 fatty acids have the potential to significantly promote height growth in children who may be at risk of stunted growth.

In conclusion, the impact of omega-3 fatty acids on height growth represents a promising avenue for further research and underscores the importance of these essential nutrients in supporting overall bone health and growth during critical developmental stages.

Omega 3 rich foods to increase height

Omega 3 chicken eggs

Unlike eggs in general, omega 3 eggs  are produced specifically, so eggs contain a lot of omega 3 that is good for the body to consume. In fact, consuming omega 3 eggs is more beneficial than regular eggs, you know!

This is because omega 3 eggs contain higher levels of omega 3 fatty acids and are beneficial for:

  • Maintain body immunity
  • Maintain cardiovascular health, specifically blood vessels and heart
  • Balance triglyceride levels in the blood



Salmon is one of the foods rich in omega 3. In addition to omega 3, salmon also has other beneficial components such as vitamin B, vitamin D and selenium.

Salmon also has a delicious taste, tender meat. There are many different ways to prepare salmon. However, if you want to keep the omega 3 content in it, you should not fry it to keep the content the same.

In 100g of salmon, omega 3 contains up to 1.6g. The benefits of omega 3 obtained from salmon, namely:

  • Keep your heart healthy by reducing your risk of stroke or heart failure
  • Improve memory
  • Reduce depression


As for this fish, it seems familiar to Indonesians. Quite a few Indonesian dishes that incorporate anchovies. However, did you know that anchovies are also very nutritious? Anchovies are foods rich in omega 3!

In addition, anchovies also contain vitamin B3, calcium and selenium. In about 30 grams of anchovies there are 0.42 omega 3 fatty acids.

Consuming anchovies can be beneficial for:

  • Preventing Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Maintain eye health
  • Maintain heart health


In addition to salmon and anchovies, sardines are a high omega 3 fish, you know.

This omega 3 rich food also contains other nutrients, such as vitamin B3 and selenium. In each 2 ounces of sardines contains 556 mg of omega 3, beneficial for:

  • Keep your pregnancy healthy
  • Helps reduce the risk of developing heart disease
  • Protect brain function


Shrimp contains many substances beneficial to health. Shrimp contains omega 3, potassium and protein that are very useful for the body. In 3 ounces of shrimp contains 267 mg of omega 3. The benefits of omega 3 in shrimp are very useful for:

  • Helps relieve pain during menstruation, by increasing blood flow to the reproductive organs
  • Reduce the risk of heart disease
  • Increase brain intelligence



If the previous two meals were fish, this one was fish eggs. The most common caviar is sturgeon caviar. Although the price is quite expensive, the nutrition including omega 3 contained in it is quite rich, up to 1,087 mg of omega 3 in 14.3 grams of caviar.

The high omega 3 content in caviar is useful for:

  • An alternative to antidepressants
  • Reduces inflammation in joints
  • Reduce the risk of eye disease


For vegetarian toppers, seaweed can be a good source of omega 3 for you. Seaweed is relatively easy to find everywhere and the taste is great too! Seaweed is also high in protein and contains omega 3 that are beneficial for:

  • Reduce your risk of having a heart attack
  • Helps reduce inflammation in the body
  • Lowers harmful LDL cholesterol levels


Flaxseed, also known as flaxseed, is a type of seed that also includes foods containing omega 3. In addition to omega 3, flaxseed also contains magnesium, which is very good for the body.

The omega 3 content in flaxseeds is beneficial for:

  • Prevents cholesterol from being stored in the blood vessels of the heart
  • Reducing inflammation in the arteries
  • Reduces tumor growth

Chia Seeds

This type of seed called chia seeds, also known as chia seeds, is also a food rich in omega 3. Chia seeds also contain antioxidants, you know.

To consume chia seeds, Toppers can add chia seeds to salads, or Toppers smoothies. The benefits of omega 3 in chia seeds are very good for the body, namely:

  • Reduce the risk of heart disease
  • Overcoming insulin resistance
  • Helps reduce belly fat

Soy bean

soy bean

Foods commonly found in Japanese restaurants also contain omega 3 and protein! It can also be an alternative source of omega 3 and protein. For vegetarians, edamame is useful for:

  • Healthy heart
  • Weight loss
  • Helps lower cholesterol

Soy bean

Vitamin K, riboflavin, magnesium, folate, potassium, omega 3, all of those nutrients are in soy! The ALA contained in soybeans is good for heart health, you know.

It is known that in 100 grams of soybeans there are 1,443 mg of omega 3. This large amount makes soybeans useful for:

  • Helps reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) levels
  • Maintain the health of the organs in the body
  • Maintain brain function and prevent dementia


Other foods that contain omega 3 are oysters. Yes, these shellfish are packed with nutrients, you know. Oysters contain omega 3, vitamin B12 and zinc.

In 3 ounces of oysters, there are 585 mg of omega 3, beneficial for the body such as:

  • Maintain heart health
  • reduce inflammation
  • Improve memory and brain function


Avocados are often served in the form of juice, iced fruit, toast, guacamole, etc. Avocados are already loved by many.

However, behind that delicious dish there are very good uses for the body! Not only does avocado contain at least 20 vitamins and minerals, avocados also contain omega 3s that are beneficial for:

  • Inhibits the level of good cholesterol in the body
  • Reduce the risk of depression
  • Improve memory and brain health