How to increase height at 21


Height gain is a fascinating journey, often thought to conclude with the end of puberty. However, there’s an intriguing possibility – the potential to increase one’s height at the age of 21, granted that your body still retains some growth capacity and you follow the right strategies.

Between the ages of 18 and 20, our bones typically begin to ossify, halting their growth. But here’s where it gets interesting – a visit to a medical facility can help determine the condition of your bones and whether there’s room for improvement. The key to height increase lies in the development of the growth cartilage, also known as the synaptic cartilage. This cartilage remains open and active during this phase of life, which means that there’s still a chance to add a few inches to your stature.

However, it’s essential to keep in mind that the increase in height at 21 tends to be modest and gradual. To maximize your potential, it’s crucial to employ a combination of methods consistently. Fortunately, there are ten valuable tips outlined on to help you expedite this growth process and attain the physique you desire.

So, if you’ve ever wondered whether it’s possible to boost your height after the conventional growth years, the answer is yes – with dedication and the right approach, you can still reach for new heights even at the age of 21

Healthy eating

Nutrition accounts for 32% of a person’s ability to grow taller. This is also the simplest and most effective way to supplement nutrients to help nourish bones and joints effectively. Eat healthy, full of nutrients, focus on nutrients good for height such as Calcium, Collagen, Vitamins (A, B, C, D, E, K…), Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Iron…


Food groups that need to be added to the daily diet: Fish, shrimp, crab, clams, oysters, chicken, avocado, cereals, eggs, green leafy vegetables, fruits… You need to eat 3 full meals main/day, add 2 snacks/day so that nutrition is continuously loaded into the body.

Sleep well and get enough sleep

More than 90% of bone growth takes place while you sleep, at this time, bone cells and tissues will regenerate and process damaged tissue. Sleep time is also the time when the body conducts metabolism, converts energy and eliminates toxins. The pituitary gland secretes the most growth hormone during the day when you are in a deep sleep.

Therefore, a quality sleep is a condition for bone and joint development. You need to sleep for 8 hours a day, so you should sleep before 10pm to achieve deep sleep around 11pm – 1am. To have a good night’s sleep, you need to note:

  • Do not use computers or mobile phones before bedtime.
  • Do not overeat in the evening or eat before bed.
  • Limit stress that disturbs sleep, listen to soft music or read a book with gentle content for 15-20 minutes.


Exercise regularly

20% of a person’s height is determined by the habit of exercising and exercising every day. Even if you are 21 years old, the exercise routine will help you improve your overall health and stimulate better height growth. You can play a sport of your interest (swimming, badminton, volleyball, basketball …), or do yoga, gym, stretching exercises at home…

30 – 45 minutes of exercise a day is the ideal time you need to maintain if you want to develop physically, especially height at the age of 21. Notes to improve the quality of movement:

  • Always warm up before exercise and stretch after exercise.
  • Drink enough water during and after exercise.
  • Do not exercise when you have an injury.
  • Do not over-exercise to avoid injury.


Maintain an appropriate body weight

People who are overweight or obese have a large amount of fatty tissue that presses on their bones and joints, preventing bones from growing. Prolonged high pressure also causes musculoskeletal damage, which easily leads to problems such as osteoporosis, arthritis, herniated disc …

Meanwhile, stunted people do not have enough nutrients to nourish these organs, so they do not have the conditions to develop height. So, always maintain a reasonable body weight by eating healthy, exercising regularly and limiting fast food, processed foods, etc.


Drink a lot of water

Water plays an important role as a transmitter in almost all bodily functions. Water makes up a part of bone structure, lubricates joints, helps joints work flexibly, limiting unnecessary injuries. Water has the effect of limiting the risk of cramps, helping muscles develop comprehensively.

The best way to drink enough water is calculated by the formula: Current weight x 0.03 liters of water. Best time of day to drink water: Morning after waking up, 15 minutes before meals, 30 minutes after meals, 9 am, 4 pm, during and after exercise. In addition to filtered water, you can supplement with broth, juice…


Maintain proper daily posture

Learn how to always keep your head, neck, back, pelvis, and legs straight in everyday standing, sitting, and lying positions. The pelvis plays a role of leverage, creating an upright posture and supporting the development of stature. The fact that the pelvis is constantly pushed forward or backward due to improper posture will inadvertently hinder the chances of getting taller, and at the same time, accumulate fat in the abdomen, and less muscle in the stomach area.

Incorrect posture also causes the spine to curve, which makes you appear shorter than your actual height. Damage to the spine for a long time inhibits the ability to develop bones, and height is difficult to grow. Correct posture is a condition for strong bones and joints, making it easier to grow taller after puberty.


Avoid drinking and smoking

Alcohol and tobacco contain harmful substances such as alcohol, nicotine, etc., which cause changes in the body. This is a stimulant capable of inhibiting growth, and causing a number of dangerous diseases for humans. 21-year-olds are easy to fall into the road of tobacco and alcohol, so if you want to improve your height, stop using it immediately.


Avoid prolonged stress

The 21-year-old is often prone to stress due to changes in living environment, stress due to study, family problems, friends and relationships. The prolonged condition leads to a number of related problems such as sleep disturbances, loss of appetite, reduced exercise performance, and deterioration of health.

Over time, the body cannot fully absorb important nutrients. Nervous instability affects the performance of the pituitary gland , reducing the amount of growth hormone that slows down the process of height growth. Therefore, keep your mind comfortable every day to achieve the desired state.



Through the mechanism of ultraviolet radiation from the sun’s UVB rays, the skin is able to synthesize a significant amount of vitamin D. Vitamin D is an important nutrient involved in the transport of calcium into the bones. Calcium supplements are meaningless without the presence of vitamin D in the body.

Sunbathing should be done daily, the best time is 10 am – 4 pm to get the most optimal values ​​from the sun. You can apply sunscreen to block harmful UV rays. Just 10-15 minutes of sunbathing a day, you can gradually synthesize the amount of vitamin D needed by the body.


Use support products

In case you are 21 years old but the growth cartilage is still active, you can still use nutritional supplements to increase height . Because it is a product that directly affects health, you need to choose carefully, several criteria can be applied:

  • Having a clear origin, transparent origin and checkable product information.
  • If it is a US product, it must be certified by the US FDA.
  • Optimal ingredients, the right way to increase height.
  • The product is widely distributed and receives many positive comments.

Some knowledge about height at the age of 21

Usually, the age of 21 is not the ideal time to grow taller because the height can only increase very slowly, the improvement is not much. Mastering the knowledge of height at the age of 21, you will have a way to apply the correct methods to improve efficiency. Here are some questions about this:

What is the average height at age 21?

The height continuously changes until the bone is completely ossified, that’s why each age has a certain height level. On average, at the age of 21, the height of women is 163.3cm and that of men is 177cm. This number may vary depending on the living environment and living habits of each person.

Can I have surgery to increase my height at 21 years old?

Height increase surgery is an improvement solution for people who cannot grow taller thanks to natural methods because the growth cartilage has closed. According to specialists, 20 – 30 is the appropriate age for leg lengthening surgery, because this time the bones are fixed and not at the time of aging.

However, this is a type of surgery that requires a long recovery time, the patient needs to be patient and follow the rules to achieve exactly what they want. If you decide to have surgery, you should understand that tendons, blood vessels, skin, muscles… will also stretch, pain is inevitable, and bones and joints will actually weaken.

You can apply methods of “cheat” height at this age without complicated surgery. Coordinating harmonious outfits with high heels, vertical striped skirts/shirts, monochrome outfits, high waisted pants/skirts, crop tops… will help you create a sense of taller yourself in the eyes of the opposite person.

What sport helps to increase height at the age of 21?

  • Swimming: Engaging in swimming can have a profound impact on your height, even at the age of 21. Swimming involves full-body movements, and the resistance from the water effectively engages major muscle groups while promoting bone and joint development. Each swimming style targets specific muscle groups, allowing you to choose one that suits your goals. Furthermore, swimming is an excellent calorie-burning activity that can enhance your physique.
  • Basketball: Basketball is a competitive sport that requires constant positional changes. Actions like leaping to make high jumps, reaching to shoot the ball into the basket, and maneuvering past opponents all contribute to muscle, bone, and joint training. Playing basketball can also boost endurance, as the movements involved, such as shooting the ball into the air, encourage muscle and bone stretching for increased height.

    Basketball is known to stimulate the production of growth hormones, promote new bone growth, and enhance bone strength. To expedite the height growth process at age 21, regular basketball practice can help you achieve your optimal physical form quickly.

  • Badminton: When you play badminton, you engage the four main muscle groups in your thighs, hamstrings, glutes, and calves. The movements involved, like stretching, smashing the shuttlecock, jumping, and running, help stretch bones and joints, facilitating the rapid formation of new bones and height improvement. Additionally, playing badminton can contribute to maintaining a relaxed and happy mood, which is conducive to nutrient absorption and improved athletic performance.
  • Volleyball: Volleyball players showcase remarkable flexibility in their movements. Consistently performing high jumps, forward leans, and ball hits engages your abdominal muscles, hips, and hands, stimulating overall development. Volleyball is an ideal choice for those looking to increase height and improve their overall health.

Aside from sports, you can incorporate simpler exercises into your routine, such as weightlifting, jump rope, jogging, and cycling, to effectively enhance your height at the age of 21. It’s essential to maintain a regular exercise regimen, adjusting intensity levels according to your current physical condition.

Increasing your height at age 21 is achievable with patience and by applying the body care secrets we’ve shared. If you haven’t reached your desired height by the age of 21, consider checking the status of your growth cartilage through X-ray evaluation to promptly implement height-enhancing methods.