How tall should my 9 year old be?


Good growth during the earlier years of childhood lays the foundation for a child to reach their standard height as they progress through life. It’s a topic that intrigues parents and caregivers alike, often leading them to wonder, “How tall is a 9-year-old child?” Yet, the journey of height and growth in children is a multifaceted one, influenced by various factors, including nutrition, genetics, and overall health. In this exploration, we will delve into the science behind childhood growth and discover how BMI (Body Mass Index) plays a crucial role in maximizing growth during the “golden age” of puberty.

What is the standard height of a 9-year-old child?

With the current trend of international integration, height is not simply a factor in assessing appearance but also national pride. Based on the average height of countries, the World Health Organization (WHO) has released a table of height and weight for each age group – This is also the common denominator for the growth of children’s height worldwide. world.

Based on the WHO height and weight chart for each age group, parents can know what the height of a 9-year-old child is. Accordingly, a 9-year-old boy reaches an average height of 133.3cm as standard. For a 9-year-old girl, the standard average height is 132.5cm.

During the period from 9 to 10 years old, the average height of boys and girls will increase by 3 – 5cm. Here are the month-by-month height growth rates for boys and girls:


Growth rate of height by month at 9 years of age in boys and girls (WHO)

It is a good thing for a 9-year-old to achieve the right height for their age or exceed the norm. However, growing too high or growing too slowly can be a warning sign of abnormal growth in the baby.

If a 9-year-old boy is 120.5cm shorter and a 9-year-old girl is 120.3cm shorter. This can be a warning sign of slow growth, the risk of stunting in the next period. Conversely, if a 9-year-old boy exceeds 144.6 cm and a girl exceeds 144.7 cm, it may be a warning sign of puberty or precocious puberty. To make sure that the baby is healthy and growing normally, parents should seek the help of a doctor.


How to calculate BMI of 9-year-old children?

A 9-year-old child is said to be “the age of eating, the age of growing up”. However, this concept also leads to overweight and obesity. Deeper are the health consequences and affect the ability to grow in height.

BMI is calculated based on weight and height. Conversely, this index can reflect the appropriateness of the child’s weight for height. By calculating the BMI of a 9-year-old child, parents can help their child control a reasonable weight.

The formula for calculating BMI of a 9-year-old child is as follows:

BMI 9 years old child = Weight : (Height x Height)Units: Weight – kg, Height – m

So what BMI of a 9-year-old child is considered healthy? What is considered underweight or obese, requiring medical support and healthcare professionals?

Based on the results of the above table, the BMI and health status of 9-year-old children can be determined as follows:

  • BMI from 10 to 14.5 warns 9-year-old children are underweight. Parents need to pay more attention to the child’s nutrition or ability to absorb nutrients to meet the full amount of nutrition needed.
  • A BMI of 14.5-19 indicates that the child is in good nutritional health. Parents should continue to maintain this diet to help children develop maximum height.
  • BMI between 19-22 warns 9-year-old children at risk of obesity. If not adjusted early, it can lead to obesity, affecting health and height.
  • BMI higher than 22 is an alarming level for a 9-year-old child who is obese. Being overweight can lead to poor growth due to adverse health effects. Besides adjusting the diet, children should be encouraged to be physically active.

Reasons why children are slow to grow taller than their age

Most growth problems are noticed when a child looks smaller than their peers or when growth slows for several months. As Debametulam said earlier, when a 9-year-old boy is shorter than 120.5cm and a 9-year-old girl is shorter than 120.3cm, it is considered slow growth. So what are the reasons why children slow down in height compared to their age?

Children with growth retardation due to family history of short stature

If one parent has a history of short stature, it is more likely that the child has a delay in height growth because this trait is inherited from the parents.

Children are slow to develop natural height

In some cases, the child’s growth retardation is a natural phenomenon, not due to a disease. Even so, children will still catch up to the standard height as adults. Determining bone age can diagnose this condition.

Children with systemic diseases, bone diseases or endocrine disorders

These include ongoing malnutrition, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney disease, heart disease, lung disease, diabetes or chronic diseases. Children may delay their height growth if puberty is early.

If the child has a history of rickets and does not improve in time, accompanied by malnutrition, it is difficult to achieve the correct height growth for the right age.

Children with unhealthy lifestyles

Most of the reasons why children are slow to grow taller compared to their current age is not a disease but a unhealthy lifestyle. This lifestyle includes issues related to nutrition, exercise and living.

  • Children with poor eating habits

Children who tend to eat processed foods, hot spicy foods, foods high in sugar, drink carbonated soft drinks, fatty foods, etc. will have a slower growth rate than their age. This is because the bones are not getting enough nutrients from the child’s meals.

However, the case of children overeating is also the reason why children are shorter than their peers of the same age. For example, when parents focus only on foods rich in protein, the immature digestive system of children has to work too hard, leading to digestive problems, constipation or obesity.

  • Children are lazy to exercise

Movement is one of three factors affecting height growth. This also means that children cannot keep up with age-related growth if they are inactive. Children with this tendency are more likely to become obese, have bone problems, or close their joints early. All of this leads to one consequence, which is a slow increase in height.

  • Children stay up late, wake up late

Most of the height growth process takes place during sleep with growth hormone levels reaching their maximum. If the child stays up late, it is difficult to achieve this growth condition. Studies have shown that children who sleep late tend to grow taller slowly and are about 5-10cm shorter than their peers.


Children have little exposure to sunlight, leading to vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D promotes better absorption and use of Calcium by the body. However, most children today are deficient in this micronutrient. When accompanied by other unhealthy habits, it can lead to bone diseases, in which osteoporosis can strongly inhibit height growth.

Children have a habit of making the wrong posture

Doing the wrong posture in the long run will become a bad habit for height. Poor posture causes the child’s bone structure to change, bone diseases and the ability to grow taller are seriously affected. Therefore, parents should guide or remind children to keep their back straight and perform activities with correct posture, creating conditions for continuous bone development.

Children live in a bad environment

Living environment can also be the cause of children’s slow growth in height compared to their age. Studies show that children living in an unhappy family environment or a country that is underdeveloped in terms of socio-economics, health, war, etc., often have a lower standard height.

If the height of a child who is growing normally suddenly slows down or increases slowly for his age, parents should take the child to the doctor for a physical examination or monitor and adjust the above lifestyle habits for the child.

How to increase height for 9-year-old children effectively?

To help 9-year-old children increase their height quickly and safely, parents can apply the methods suggested below.

Build meals with a variety of foods, rich in nutrients

The height of a 9-year-old child will not be able to grow well if the nutritional needs are not met. The foods used in the meal are the main source of nutrients that the body needs to develop bones. In particular, calcium and vitamin D are the most important nutritional duo.

  • Foods high in calcium: Green leafy vegetables (especially cruciferous vegetables), seafood, soybeans and tofu, nuts (almonds, walnuts, chia seeds, etc.), berries or dried fruit (dried figs, raisins, …), milk and dairy products such as cheese, yogurt, etc.
  • Foods with high vitamin D content: Cheese, salmon, tuna, oysters, egg yolks, mushrooms, … (However, the richest source of vitamin D is the sun).

Although calcium and vitamin D are important for bones, it only needs to be supplemented by parents in adequate amounts. A good scientific diet for the development of children also needs protein, fat, and starch. The food variety in the diet will accommodate this.

Have at least 3 hours/day to be physically active or exercise

Movement is a way to stimulate growth hormone, necessary for the height development of 9-year-old children. It is not necessary for children to exercise enough 7 days a week, achieving 5/7 days is already a good thing.

The child’s total amount of physical activity or exercise should be at least 3 hours a day, not necessarily continuous but can be interrupted. In which, the time for the main exercise is 45-60 minutes in each exercise. Parents can encourage children to swim, play basketball, volleyball, badminton, etc.

Children should not sit in one place for too long. Every 30 minutes – 1 hour, children should get out of their seats, stand up, twist or some basic movements to relax their tendons. Actions such as walking back and forth, sweeping the house, climbing stairs, etc. are also counted as body movements.

Optimizing height growth hormone with quality sleep

One of the four factors that determine height growth is sleep. As mentioned, more than 90% of bone growth takes place during rest. Therefore, children should go to bed early, at least before 11pm to achieve this.

A few habits to avoid to make it easier for children to fall asleep at night: Not sleeping during the day; Do not drink caffeinated beverages at least 4 hours before bedtime; Do not eat sweet foods, greasy foods; Limit the use of electronic devices before bed, at least 30 minutes.

A few habits to help children sleep better at night: Use flower tea, about 1 hour before bed; Soak your feet in warm water; Do breathing exercises or stretching exercises; Listen to light music.

Encourage children to practice correct posture during activities

Crouching, stooping, bowing are basic mistakes when performing poses. In the long term, the bones are changed in structure, children are slow to grow in height. When performing the pose, the most important thing is that the child should keep his back straight, eyes facing forward, so that the back, the touch point at the nape and the head are in a straight line. If the child is used to the wrong posture, parents can ask for support items such as anti-hunchback belt, lumbar spine brace, etc.

Use height increase pills

Using pills to increase height is a method that many parents apply to their children. Tablets are made up of a wide range of beneficial minerals and active ingredients to meet the nutritional needs of the body and bones.

Oral tablets are researched and developed based on bone growth, taking calcium as the main, preparing it into Nano Calcium, increasing absorption efficiency, reducing side effects. Some formulas to support height growth are considered effective, including: Calcium Nano + Vitamin D, Calcium Nano + Collagen Type 2, Calcium Nano + essential micro-minerals. Some products combine with precious herbs, providing solutions for height growth and comprehensive health care.

When using pills to increase height for children, parents need to comply with the regulations on additional dosage according to the correct age. Combined with good nutrition, physical activity and proper rest helps children achieve the perfect growth rate.


Let children use milk to increase height with reasonable amount

Surely most parents give their children milk to increase height. This is a rich source of nutrients, especially calcium, vitamin D and other micro-minerals that the bones and body need.

However, milk still contains a large amount of fat, children drinking too much can lead to overweight and obesity. In this case, the milk the child is taking is obtained from cows injected with growth hormone, which can cause premature puberty in children. These are all negative effects on the height of children.

Therefore, when using milk for children, parents should first choose milk labeled “organic”. Then, only children 9 years old should drink about 750ml per day, divided equally into 3 meals. Using it properly will help children grow better.

Create a comfortable and happy living environment for children

Living in a comfortable, happy environment, children will develop well both physically and mentally. Besides receiving love from parents, children also need sympathy, listening and sharing. For example, when children make mistakes or get bad results in their studies, instead of scolding, parents should visit their children and gently encourage them. Because when in a state of stress, the child’s body will secrete the hormone cortisol, affecting the secretion of growth hormone, thereby slowing the child’s growth.

Give your child regular health check-ups

Good health is a solid foundation to help children achieve maximum height growth. This factor is even more important because children are about to or are in puberty – the golden period for height development. Health checkups help parents understand the health status of their children as well as have time to plan and choose methods to support their children’s maximum height growth. Every 6 months or 1 year, parents should take their children to a medical facility for periodic health checks.

9 years old is an important time for children’s height development. The comprehensive care method, applying the scientific method of increasing the height of parents is the turning point to help children achieve the standard height of this age. Continue to follow to update useful knowledge to help your child grow to maximum height.