What should you not do with babies?


As a new parent, you’ll find yourself inundated with a plethora of well-intentioned advice from seasoned individuals on what actions to steer clear of once your baby reaches their first year of life. While some of this counsel may hold merit, it’s crucial to distinguish between fact and fiction. Consequently, it becomes imperative to seek out reliable sources of information pertaining to infant healthcare, such as reputable studies and guidance from medical experts.

To safeguard your precious little one from any inadvertent harm, it is strongly advisable to adhere to the comprehensive guidelines laid out on Debametulam.com regarding the prudent precautions you should take when caring for your baby prior to their first birthday.

Adding sugar to baby food

It’s crucial to remember that babies under the age of one do not require additional sugar in their diet. Their intake of sugar is already adequately met through the consumption of carbohydrates and fruits.

The practice of introducing sugar into a baby’s food can carry potential risks and consequences. Notably, it has the potential to contribute to serious health issues such as obesity, diabetes, and tooth decay. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to prioritize natural and wholesome nutrition for our little ones, safeguarding their long-term well-being.

Let’s continue to focus on providing our babies with the best start in life, promoting a healthy and sugar-free diet that will set the foundation for their future health.

Adding too much salt to baby food


If your baby is recommended to eat solid foods before 6 months of age, then you should not add salt to your baby’s diet. However, after 6 months of age, babies can eat solid foods with a little salt.

Well, the amount of salt that can be included in a 6-12 month old baby’s diet is 1 gram per day, which is estimated to contain 0.4 grams of sodium. Therefore, do not give your baby more than 1 gram of salt per day.

An infant’s daily sodium needs can be obtained through breast milk. You know, consuming too much salt can harm your baby, from the risk of kidney stone formation, to high blood pressure, to dehydration.

Give the baby honey

Honey is really healthy for adults, yes, but not for babies under a year old. This is because babies less than one year old do not have perfect digestive processes.

Because their metabolism is not perfect, babies cannot tolerate honey, honey carries the bacteria Clostridium botulinum and can cause babies to develop botulism in babies, which can be fatal. death.

Give your baby pure cow’s milk

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) does not recommend giving cow’s milk to babies, Ma. Because cow’s milk does not contain essential vitamin E, iron and folic acid required by children.

In addition, the child’s body cannot accept the high levels of protein, sodium and potassium found in cow’s milk. Therefore, infants under one year old should not drink cow’s milk, mother.

Breastfeeding while the baby is sleeping in bed

It’s very common to breastfeed with a baby in bed, yes, Mom. However, you still have to make sure the baby’s head is higher than the body to avoid bloating.

In addition, feeding a baby with the head straight to the stomach can cause the baby to choke, milk to leak out through the nose, and can even cause complications.

So, if you want to breastfeed your baby while the baby is asleep, you must pay attention to the position and make sure the baby’s condition is ready, yes, to avoid unwanted things.


Let your baby drink fruit juice

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) does not recommend giving your baby fruit juice before one year of age. This is because juice does not contain fat, protein, minerals and calcium, which are really essential for babies.

Fruit juice can also fill your baby up quickly, making them less interested in eating or drinking milk. If you really want to add more vitamins, you can feed your baby fruit directly without having to grind it into juice.

Give babies ready-to-eat foods

Processed foods are not recommended for infants under one year of age. Processed foods should only be used by children to adults.

This is because processed foods do not contain the essential nutrients needed by babies and tend to be high in fat, sugar and salt. So, instead of giving your baby processed foods, you can make a simple menu at home for your baby.

Give your child caffeine

Some people believe that giving tea or coffee to babies can treat diarrhea or constipation in babies. But obviously, providing caffeine is not recommended for children under one year of age

The absorption of caffeine received can make the baby’s heart beat faster and can also become dehydrated. In fact, even small amounts of caffeine can cause headaches in babies.

Give your child homemade soy milk

If your child is allergic to cow’s milk, that doesn’t mean you can give them soy milk carelessly. Doctors will recommend soy-based, but not soy-based, formula at home.

Homemade soy milk does not provide enough vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids for children. Therefore, your baby’s daily nutritional intake will not be enough with homemade soy milk.

Also, don’t give your baby soy formula unless recommended by your pediatrician. So formula made from cow’s milk will be better than soy.

Give your child foods that cause them to choke

Did you know that the CDC records hundreds of infant deaths from choking on food? Therefore, you must be careful when serving food to babies, especially those who are less than 3 years old.

Here is a list of some foods that can cause a child to choke. Offer these foods slowly and as much as possible in small pieces. If you still have doubts, you should not introduce these foods first:

  • Popcorn or popcorn
  • Candy
  • Carrot
  • sausage
  • Gum
  • Nuts
  • Tomato cherries
  • Boneless chicken
  • Large piece of fruit
  • Fruits with many seeds, such as pomegranates

Warming baby milk in the microwave

In addition to making bottles very hot, warming baby’s milk, both breast milk and formula, using a microwave can damage the nutrients in it.

Not only milk, heating meat in the microwave can also change its molecular structure. Therefore, it is better to soak the bottle in warm water for a little longer to maintain the nutrition.

Exposing your baby to secondhand smoke

Secondhand smoke is very dangerous for babies, ma’am. If parents smoke without first cleaning their children from the smell and smoke and holding their children right away, it will definitely be very dangerous to the health of the baby.

Not only do health problems arise later, but infants exposed to secondhand smoke are also at increased risk for SIDS or sudden infant death.

So, to avoid health risks that may arise in the future, mom or dad should take a shower and change clothes before holding the baby.

Well, that’s something moms shouldn’t do with babies. Come on, protect your baby by keeping it safe and healthy!