The most effective way to increase height for 6-year-old children


I’ve been a bit concerned lately about my 6-year-old child’s height. It seems like they haven’t quite hit the expected height for their age, and I’ve been wondering if there’s anything I can do to help them grow a little taller. After doing some research and talking to other parents, I’ve come across some valuable methods that can be quite effective in promoting height increase in a 6-year-old child. If you’re in a similar situation or just curious about ways to support your child’s growth, read on to discover some helpful tips.

What is the expected height for a 6-year-old child?

It’s important to note that children’s growth and development vary, and there are general benchmarks for height and weight at each age. For 6-year-olds, the typical height can provide valuable insights into their growth trajectory.

On average, 6-year-old boys tend to have an approximate height of around 116.5 centimeters (cm), while girls typically measure around 115.5 cm. These figures serve as rough guidelines, and it’s important to remember that individual children may fall above or below these averages. Genetic factors, nutrition, and overall health play crucial roles in determining a child’s height.

Parents may wonder how to measure their child’s height accurately. One common method is using a ruler or a measuring tape at home. Ensure that your child is standing straight against a flat surface, such as a wall, and measure from the floor to the top of their head. For more precise results and a comprehensive evaluation of your child’s growth, consider consulting a healthcare professional or arranging a visit to a nutrition center during a routine health check-up. They have the necessary tools and expertise to provide an accurate assessment.

It’s natural for parents to be concerned if their child’s height falls slightly below the average by 1-2 cm. However, it’s essential to keep in mind that growth patterns can vary, and some children may experience growth spurts at different times. Consistency in growth over time is a positive sign. If you have concerns about your child’s growth, discussing them with a pediatrician or healthcare provider can provide valuable guidance and reassurance.


Determining the Standard Height and Weight for 6-Year-Old Children

To ascertain whether a child’s current height and weight align with the established benchmarks for 6-year-olds, parents can adopt a two-fold approach: referencing the standardized height and weight table for this age group, and utilizing the body mass index (BMI) calculation tailored for children:

BMI = weight/(height x height)

Here, weight is in kilograms and height is in meters.

After obtaining the BMI value, it can be cross-referenced with the BMI growth chart to gauge the child’s position. The child’s BMI is then converted into a percentage, offering parents a means to evaluate their growth progress.

StatusApproximately % of BMI

BMI chart in children

How to increase height for 6-year-old children quickly?

Whether your child has attained the standard height for their age or is still below it, parents should promptly consider implementing the most effective methods to enhance the height of their 6-year-old. Here are the key steps:

Ensure Nutritional Balance in Every Meal

For every meal—whether it’s breakfast, lunch, or dinner—parents should emphasize providing a diverse range of foods that encompass various essential groups: protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals. Optimal foods to include in your child’s diet to support both their height and overall health during this phase consist of shrimp, crab, salmon, chicken, eggs, cruciferous vegetables, carrots, sweet potatoes, seaweed, and more.


Ensure a Balanced Diet with Frequent Meals

To support your child’s growth and development, it’s essential to establish a well-balanced eating routine. Aim for five to six meals throughout the day, comprising three main meals and two to three snacks, with approximately 2-3 hours between each eating occasion. This frequent meal pattern provides a consistent source of energy for your child’s daily activities and aids in the accumulation of energy needed for physical growth. For snack options, consider offering choices such as fresh milk, yogurt, wholesome cakes, or a variety of fresh fruits to enhance their overall nutritional intake.

Meet Daily Calcium Needs

At the age of 6, children typically require around 600mg of calcium per day. Calcium plays a critical role in the development and strength of bones, which is vital for achieving and maintaining a healthy height. Parents can ensure their child meets their calcium requirements through dietary sources or calcium-containing supplements like tablets, granules, or syrups. Adequate calcium intake is fundamental to supporting your child’s growth potential at various stages.

Encourage Regular Physical Activity

Promote daily physical activity for your 6-year-old as part of their healthy lifestyle. Activities such as running, jumping, and basic sports not only contribute to the accumulation of minerals in their bones but also improve bone density and enhance joint flexibility. These factors create an ideal environment for your child to reach their maximum height potential. Suitable exercises for 6-year-olds include swimming, cycling, skipping rope, jogging, and playing soccer, with recommended daily activity durations of 30-45 minutes.

Prioritize Sufficient Sleep

To optimize your child’s health and physical development, it’s crucial for them to get between 9-12 hours of sleep each night. Sleep plays a pivotal role in height growth, as it relieves the skeletal system from weight-related pressure and enhances the production of growth hormones—essential for bone elongation—during nighttime rest. Ample sleep not only promotes growth but also supports overall recuperation, energy restoration, and increased vitality.

Include 250-400ml of Milk in Daily Nutrition

Milk stands out as a highly nutritious and appealing beverage for children. Packed with essential nutrients such as calcium, vitamin D, protein, and vitamin A, milk plays a significant role in strengthening bones and promoting height growth. Parents should aim to provide their child with 250-400ml of milk daily, distributed across 2-3 servings. Alternatively, you can incorporate milk-derived products like yogurt, cheese, and fresh milk into their diet to enhance their overall nutrition and support their growth and well-being.


Sun Exposure and Vitamin D Synthesis:

Sunlight plays a pivotal role in synthesizing vitamin D within the skin. Vitamin D, as crucial as calcium in the growth process, enhances calcium and phosphorus absorption and metabolism, thereby augmenting bone density and elongation. Vitamin D deficiency can jeopardize calcium intake efforts, even with a balanced diet. Fortunately, Vietnam’s ample sunshine hours can aid in this aspect. Merely 15-20 minutes of sun exposure daily, before 10 am or after 4 pm when sunlight intensity is mild, can suffice for synthesizing the required daily vitamin D.

Adequate Hydration:

Encourage consistent water consumption for your child, even when not feeling thirsty. Water serves as a fundamental element for health and growth, functioning as a nutrient transporter, oxygen supplier to cells, and detoxification agent. It also lubricates joints, moisturizes skin, and performs vital bodily functions. Consuming around 1-1.2 liters of water daily is recommended for 6-year-olds. Opt for filtered water or fresh fruit juice over sugary bottled soft drinks, as excessive sugar can hinder health and hinder height growth.

Maintain Optimal Posture:

Upholding correct posture throughout the day is vital. Whether active or resting, adhering to proper posture not only enhances physical appearance but also facilitates favorable height development.

During Activity: Maintain a straight line from head to back, minimizing excessive forward stooping or leaning backward. Prolonged improper posture can disrupt the spine’s natural curvature, leading to deviations that compromise height.

While Sleeping: Your child should lie flat without bending limbs excessively. This posture provides optimal conditions for bone development.

Ensuring your child receives ample vitamin D from sunlight, staying hydrated, and practicing good posture are crucial steps in nurturing healthy growth and achieving their full height potential.


Opt for Comfortable Attire:

Choose clothing that isn’t excessively tight for your child’s body size. Overly tight clothing can lead to discomfort during sleep and physical activities. Moreover, it might cause skin irritation, joint discomfort, and an increased risk of sports-related injuries. Parents should prioritize loose, breathable, and flexible clothing, allowing unhindered movement throughout the day. This approach not only ensures comfort but also fosters natural height development.

Nurture Emotional Well-being:

Allocate quality time to engage with your child, providing care, education, and play. This fosters a sense of family love, supporting their physical, intellectual, and personal development. A content and emotionally balanced child stands to benefit in various ways: efficient nutrient absorption, effective exercise, improved sleep quality, and enhanced psychological well-being. These factors collectively contribute to optimal height development, aiding them in attaining the 6-year-old height standard.

Consider Nutritional Supplements:

Nutritional supplements designed to enhance the height of 6-year-olds often encompass bone-beneficial nutrients such as calcium, collagen type 2, vitamin D, magnesium, and potassium. These supplements are formulated with specific concentrations to facilitate height growth in children. In cases where time constraints hinder comprehensive care or where certain children experience absorption issues leading to nutritional deficiencies, supplements can be a practical solution. They not only meet dietary requirements but also support overall health and favorable height development.


Nevertheless, parents must exercise caution when selecting products for their children. It’s imperative to opt for supplements with transparent origins, a sound formula tailored for height enhancement, and distributed by reputable entities. This guarantees that nutritional supplements, designed to augment height, meet the highest standards of quality and safety for your child’s consumption.

The strategies outlined in this article aspire to offer parents a more convenient approach to nurturing their children’s growth. The window for height augmentation at the age of 6 is significant. However, parents should avoid complacency and negligence, as such attitudes can detrimentally impact their children’s height development in subsequent stages.

By diligently implementing these practices and maintaining vigilance, parents can contribute substantially to their child’s growth potential, fostering a healthy and optimal path toward achieving their desired height.
